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  • How do you remove water in minecraft
  • How to clear water in minecraft without sponge

  • How to remove water in minecraft creative
  • How to get rid of water in minecraft underwater
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  • Minecraft remove water command
  • How to get rid of water in minecraft underwater!

    How to Get Rid of Water in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Are you tired of swimming in circles trying to escape the flooded biomes in Minecraft?

    Or maybe you’re stuck with a constant flow of water blocking your way to treasure? Getting rid of water can be a frustrating experience, but fear not! This article will walk you through the most effective ways to drain and eliminate water from your Minecraft world.

    Removing Water Using Sand or Gravel

    One of the most simple and efficient methods to remove water is by using sand or gravel.

    You can find sand or gravel by breaking sandstone or gravel blocks with a pickaxe.

    Removing Water with Lava

    CAUTION: Working with lava can be hazardous, so make sure to be prepared! Using lava to remove water might seem counterintuitive, but it’s an effective way to create a hole in the ground, allowing you to access underwater caves and resources.

    To remove water using lava, follow these steps:

    Gather lava by finding lava pools in the game or creating your own using obsidian.
    Pour lava into the water, creating a pool

      how do you clear water in minecraft
      how do i remove water in minecraft