Brown dye minecraft

    how to get lime dye in minecraft
    how to get lime dye in minecraft bedrock
    how to get lime dye in minecraft bedrock edition
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  • How to get lime dye in minecraft
  • How to make lime green dye in minecraft without cactus!

    Light blue dye -- minecraft

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  • How to make lime green dye in minecraft without cactus
  • Green dye minecraft
  • How to make green dye in minecraft
  • How To Make A Lime Dye

    Lime Dyes is used to give lime color to glass, wool, terracotta, concrete powder, banner and shulker box.

    To make Lime Dye, you will need Cactus, Cactus Green Dye, Skeleton Bone and Bone Meal. Please follow the following steps to make a Lime Dye.  


    In order to make a lime dye the basic item that you will have to get is cactus block.

    Go to find a cactus block near the ocean bank in the desert biome. After picking it up, you will need to use it in the furnace with coal to get the green dye. 

    Cactus Green Dye  

    Now make your way towards the furnace and add cactus block in the upper box and coal in the lower box, you will get cactus green dye in the right side box of the furnace.

    Bring this dye in your inventory. 

    Skeleton Bone  

    The next item that you will have to find is skeleton bone. You need to kill Skeletons to get bones.

    Skeletons will drop bones after getting killed, just pick them up.  

    Bone Meal  

    Now move towards the crafting table and open up 3*3 craf

      how to get cyan dye in minecraft
      how to make lime dye in minecraft