Best bow enchantments minecraft bedrock

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    How many enchantments can a bow have!

    Best Minecraft Bow Enchantments

    In Minecraft, all weapons can be enchanted to improve their effectiveness and damage. In this guide, we'll teach you what enchantments to use to make your bow the best it can be.

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    Best Enchantments for the Bow in Minecraft

    Once the only ranged weapon in Minecraft, the humble bow is often outclassed by Tridents and Crossbows in the modern game.

    However, a bow can still be one of the best weapons if it is well-enchanted. Of the six enchantments below, two cannot be used on the same weapon, while the rest can be stacked together.


    The Unbreaking enchantment gives bows the chance to avoid using durability when they are fired.

    In this way, placing Unbreaking III allows it to make four times as many shots as an unenchanted bow before breaking.

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  • If you already have Mending or use multiple bows, this enchantment may be useless for you. I find it reassuring to have, as I never have to worry about my weapons breaking during a fight. The enchantment has three levels, which are Unbreaking I, Unbreaking II, and Unb

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