Bottle o' enchanting farm

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    How many bottle of enchanting to level 30.

    Bottle o' Enchanting




    First Appearance

    1.2.1 12w04a

    Data Values

    Hex: 180

    Technical Name

    The Bottle o' Enchantingis a throwable item(similar to a splash potion) that drops 3–11 experience pointsper bottle when it hits the ground.

    It can be obtained by the Creative inventory, as dungeon loot, or tradingwith Cleric villagers, and cannot be crafted. The potion works like a splash potion, but it takes the look of a drinking potion.

    Bottle o' enchanting minecraft use

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  • Bottle of enchanting minecraft command
  • It's a handy way to gain experiencequickly; however, several of them will be needed to get a level high enough to enchant.


    Using the potion is simple. Simply hold the item in hand, and right click (or press hard on your screen on BE), throwing it a short distance in the direction faced.

    Upon contact with a hard surface, the potion will break and experience orbs will pop up.

    Xp bottle minecraft recipe

    Collect the orbs to gain experience points. Throwing the item at the feet allows a player to keep still while throwing multiple bottles.


    The item itself doesn't do anyth

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      minecraft bottle of enchanting dispenser